This website provides resources for those who realize that our FREEDOM IS NOT FREE, and that preserving our God-given liberty requires:
PRAY together for our leaders and nation.
(I Tim. 2: 1-4, II Chron. 7:13-14)
JOIN US for National Tele-PRAYER (praying for our leaders and nation) every Sat. Morning at 8am PT (951-799-9376)
►► CLICK HERE for monthly Prayer Guide.
EQUIP with, and remember (Ps. 111:4, 11:3) and teach the basics of America’s Biblical and Constitutional foundation, that which preserves our God-given liberty.
►► CLICK HERE for:
● Biblical Principles of Good Gov't Primer
● Additional free resources
● American Christian History Resources
● Affiliated Organizations
TRAIN and work together to elect God-fearing leaders (Exod 18:21, Deut. 16:18) who preserve America’s Biblical / Constitutional foundation and help reclaim America for Christ.
►► CLICK HERE for links to:
●ZOOM LINK for Ten Effective Ways to Help Elect God-Fearing Leaders TRAINING
●Ten Effective Ways to Help Elect God-Fearing Leaders 2- Page PDF Outline
●Training ARCHIVES
1) PRAY: Consistently pray for our leaders and nation;
2) EQUIP: Understand and teach America’s Biblical and Constitutional foundation to our children and others;
3) TRAIN: Learn how to elect God-fearing Leaders who preserve America's Biblical and Constitutional foundation and God-given liberty.
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